Redesign for Omi- bridge of privately funded Sangju~Yeongcheon expressway |
2014 |
Doosan E&C |
Supplementary Design for Sinimgok bridge Length of PusanSigye~Ungsang1 National Highway Construction |
2014 |
Donyang Engineering & Construction |
Change of design for Jinjo-bridge of Wonju~Gangneung railway construction section 6 |
2014 |
Korea Development Coporation |
Design for rest areas on the privately funded Sangju~Yeongcheon expressway |
2014 |
Doosan E&C |
Review on structure and change of design for temporary retaining structure in Nakdong JCT |
2014 |
Dealim Industrial Co. LTD. |
Establishment service of basic plan for Connection Passage in Sinbundang Line (Yongsan station section 2) |
2014 |
Daegun E&C |
Initial suggestion and design for Euiwang~sungnam expressway BTO |
2014 |
Dealim Industrial Co. LTD. |
Basic and detailed design of Gongdo~Daeduk road expansion project |
2014 |
Seoul Construction and Management Administration |
Basic and detailed design services of Iksan national food cluster entry ramp expansion project |
2014 |
Iksan Construction and Management Administration |
Design review in detailed design of roadbed complementary construction on section 5 in the Busan-Ulsan |
2014 |
Dongbu Corporation |